Wednesday, November 20, 2013

All Aboard!

After testing and tinkering and a photo shoot, The Crab had a central support stand which will support the Arduino Brain and wire nerves.

The main feature of the support is shown in the video below: the (chugga chugga) gear train!
These gears will allow the legs to operate.

The Crab will be able to walk soon.

The Crab has evolved from a prior design. It no longer has a single axis to rotate all the legs on one side, rather pairs of legs will rotate on the same axis.

Also, the design will now incorporate a continuous servo (graciously provided by the resourceful Professor Sullivan), which will provide more torque than a DC motor so The Crab will survive on its own.

(We realized we have a shortage of these gears, hopefully we can find a few more around our houses when a couple of us go back home this weekend. Fingers crossed!)

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