Thursday, December 12, 2013


As the project nears its close, it is as good a time as any to give credit where credit is due, to acknowledge the work of the individual members.

Evan Brown worked on research, SolidWorks modeling, contributed the gears and battery, helped construct the motor mount and legs, wrote blog posts and edited the final paper.

Benjamin Johnson worked on research, SolidWorks modeling, constructed the frame, wrote blog posts and wrote the final paper.

Forrest Otsuka worked on research, SolidWorks modeling, contributed the Lego bricks and axles, as well as the tools, helped construct the overall robot, wrote the code and wrote blog posts.

And THANK YOU, Professor Daniel Sullivan, who provided instruction on SolidWorks and Arduino, and kindly 3D printed the parts for the leg assemblies and provided the continuous servo for the project.

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